These brownies are fudgy and don't have to bake long because the first step is to cook the chocolate peanut-butter mixture on the stove like candy. Avocado...
Inspired (and cribbed) largely from Brooke's Best Bombshell Brownies and Eggless Peanut Butter Cookies, both recipes found here on Allrecipes, I concocted...
These brownies are dairy-free and egg-free which makes them vegan. They have a subtle spice flavor and are delicious. If you enjoy chai lattes you will...
Miniature brownies are the perfect little bite, and dressing them up for Thanksgiving makes a fun project to do with your kiddos or grands! Makes a great...
Up the festivity quotient by serving these brownies in clear drinking glasses and topping them with whipped cream, neon sanding sugar, and gum-paste numbers...
Transform chocolate brownies into decadent cupcakes for a Valentine's Day sweet certain to induce a smile. They're perfect for an office party for 20 or...
These flourless brownies are delicious and can be quickly made for any gluten-free family members. You can sub oil back in for the avocado, but with the...
My family always complained that baked goods that were kosher for Passover tasted terrible, so I took my regular brownie recipe and created a flour and...
This recipe was my absolute favorite sweet treat growing up, and still is! This was my great-grandma's recipe and is NOT for those watching their figure!...
Prune purée, available in the condiment section of the supermarket, replaces some of the fat in these double chocolate fudgy brownies and lends a depth...
A friend of mine was recently diagnosed with liver cancer and her diet became more restrictive. After doing some research, I found that more protein could...
A thin layer of brownie is topped with popcorn, nuts, chocolate and peanut butter chips, peanuts, and caramel! They're very easy to make and you can get...
I was trying to find a dessert that was no-carb and high in protein to fit in my diet so one night I decided to make my own recipe and it turned out delicious...
Layered brownie ingredients in a jar, a great Christmas gift! The optional addition of sour cream makes a moist, fudgy brownie. I make these jars every...
These delicious brownies came to be with a little trial and error, and these are great! Frost lightly with your favorite chocolate frosting and watch them...
Sweetened condensed milk adds an unmistakable richness to the coconut batter for these swirly treats. When marbleizing the coconut and brownie batters,...
This recipe is adapted from the Omanhene brownie recipe. Omanhene is Ghanaian chocolate so that's where the 'Ghana' comes in. The original recipe uses...
These mouthwatering brownies are enhanced with deep, rich flavors of raw ingredients. Rediscover the natural goodness of grains and sugars before they're...
This recipe is vegan, tasty, and healthier than other brownies. This gluten-free take on brownies made with coconut flour, flax eggs, and apple puree doubles...
This year, trick out your treats by serving up a platter of these spooky brownies. In this recipe, intense unsweetened cocoa powder and caramel-y brown...
These are really delicious brownies. I adapted the brownie recipe from another recipe and added my own holiday pizzazz for our 4th of July celebration!...
For the brownie lovers in your life there's this chocolate-and-pear pie. It's fancied up with sliced pears and candied ginger-making it both sophisticated...
These are very chocolaty, dense brownies that go great served warm with ice cream! My brother had a girlfriend that used to make these for him. Try these...
These brownies are a result of my tampering with a regular brownie recipe and obtaining an amazing result. They are so moist and fudgy that you'll never...
Who doesn't buy extra Halloween candy? Our chewy and fudgy brownies, which are made with a combination of bittersweet chocolate chips and cocoa powder,...